Ok, the whole world knows that the city that never sleeps it’s incredible in all the aspects, but, when you are there, in front of the bridge of Brooklyn or the statue of liberty, everything that you have been imagining is too small. And these sensations keep repeating even if it’s the fourth time that you walk along the 5th avenue. And it will stay happening for a very long time.

Because this it’s the only place where the architecture more impossible mixes with the simplest in perfect harmony, where thousands of persons of different cultures, of different ideas, of distant countries, coexist. The only city where every day, the street turns into a fashion parade, where everything begins, what everybody talks about: New York.
And an only word can define the feeling that I experience in my fourth trip to the big city: happiness. I upload some of the best pics taken this day. Enjoy!

OUH! I have a very good anecdote. When we were (and with we I mean Vick, Aina Cuffi and I) in Times Square and two women very funny came to us and ask if they could do a mini-interview about fashion to us. The three, been charmed with, we answered simultaneously: Shure! So, they start quizzing about our fashion idols, magazines that we read... And then they invite us to pose for the photographer of the New York magazine “foot wear” (or something like that) who was there too. We were completely charmed with; appear in a fashion magazine, this was soooo cool.
I don’t know if we gonna found in Barcelona this magazine, or even if we gonna appear in it, but been choose in the crowed NY, you, exactly you, it’s already a little something.
Elephant Gun
cool, cool, cool, cool! I love it!
ResponderEliminarI just wanna come back and take more pictures, see more places, go to the fifth avenue, central park, the moma, etc... But now we have to focus on school, and that sucks!
What do you mean with weir?
the last pic is the best one :)
si, hablo español! tu tambien, no? sorry if not;)!
ResponderEliminaryeah, isn't she amazing?(: and jon kortajarena is too hot hehe;)!
btw, nice pictures:):)
The pola is so cool !
ResponderEliminaryou're so beautiful!
ResponderEliminar:D i LOVE you header, and your blog name.
very enchanting.
im a new follower [:
<3 dennica pearl
- through the eyes of a pearl
- vintage shop
ResponderEliminaraqui estoy flipando con tus fotos!!!
son preciosas!!
de donde eres tu?, pensaba española!!!
me encanta tu blog too!! hahaha
besos guapa!!
Merci :)
ResponderEliminarMon tshirt vient d'H&M btw :)
Waw beautyful pics! El meu regal dels 18 és un viatge a NYC, no hi he estat mai :) Et segueixo ;) mua!
ResponderEliminarjo, que envidia de fotos :)
ResponderEliminartambien tienes una nueva seguidora!
gracias!:) si, son de H&M las medias! pero no te las aconsejo(al menos que no encuentres ningunas parecidas) porque son algo recias:/
ResponderEliminarespagnole? mais tu parles trop bien français, tu es bilingue? et puis j'adore ton bloooog! pour le tatouage, j'avais peur du déjà-vu, mais vu que c'est qqch de personnel, je veux dire à deux initialement, ça prend une autre dimension. Après, je le veux beaucoup plus petit que sur la photo pour la raison que tu as évoquée ! Bisouuuuus
ResponderEliminaryou are so so so beautiful!!
ResponderEliminarI can only feel envy!!! wow, I've never been to NY, but that's something I want to change in a little time. Gorgeous, the pictures are amazing, and congratulations on your recent interview!!!!
pero qué fotazas más ioncreíbles, y qué razon tienes, es una ciudad alucinante...qué envidida me das...yo quiero volverrrrrrrrrr
ResponderEliminaroow that's awesome!
ResponderEliminarlucky girl! NY <3
ResponderEliminarson muy lindas tus fotos, obviamente ahora te sigo un beso
ResponderEliminaroh!!que fotos más increíbles!!
ResponderEliminar1 besazo enorme guapa
Martina! que guapaa!!!
ResponderEliminarM'encanten les teves fotos, son massa!
Ja tens una nova seguidora ;) <3
That's another Sex and The City you've created here! Love the way photos are taken =)
ResponderEliminarthe pics are so cool ! your life seems to be great !