31 de mayo de 2010

Love BCN

Good time, good day, good feeling..... good city. You can still found a desert place in the crowded
BARCELONETA, you just have to search.

9 comentarios:

  1. Yes i´m from germany!
    ahhh you are from BCN, nice *_*
    It was my first time in BCN and I
    loved it! yeeah i´m happy when you
    follow me ;)

  2. Hi, I'm Sandra, I'm from... Japan and I love your blog! Thank you so much for writing it...

  3. Hi! Where are you from? Let me visit your blog! ;)

  4. OMG sandra you are japonese?
    that's very very cool :)

    t'estimo martinels. pero crec que per alguna rao estas enfaddada? (soc G per cert)

  5. Martina!
    jo també vull tenir un blog, em fa cosa perque crec que no sabre que posar... hahaha


  6. I like so much this blog!
    tinc ganes de veure't, explicar-te coses, fer-nos fotos..etc!
    t'estimo Martina Camila :):)

  7. Yes, I'm japonese, from Tokyo! ;) hahaha
